Week 1 Check In


Chapter 1 of this book provides an introduction to Python for Data Science. Python's popularity in this field is attributed to its readability, versatility, rich library ecosystem, and active community. The chapter begins by discussing the reasons why Python is preferred for data science, emphasizing its readability, versatility, rich library ecosystem, and active community support.

It then delves into Python basics, covering syntax, variables, and data types. Python's syntax is described as clean and easy to understand, with indentation used to define code blocks. Variables are introduced as containers for storing values, and built-in data types such as integers, floats, strings, lists, and dictionaries are explained.

The chapter also introduces Google Colab, a free cloud-based service for creating and sharing Jupyter Notebooks. It provides a step-by-step guide on setting up a Google Colab notebook, including creating a new notebook, writing Python code, and running simple exercises like the "Hello World" program and variable assignment.

The hands-on exercises in Google Colab further reinforce the concepts discussed, guiding readers through creating variables, storing information, and printing output. The chapter concludes with tips comparing coding to directing a screenplay or following a recipe, and suggests additional resources for further learning, including the official Python documentation, Google Colab documentation, Coursera's "Introduction to Data Science with Python" course, and DataCamp tutorials.


File:Python logo and wordmark.svg - Wikipedia 
Chapter 2 provides an overview of loops and conditional statements in Python, crucial constructs for controlling program flow.


  1. For Loops: These execute a block of code a specific number of times, iterating through a sequence. An example is provided where range(5) is used to print numbers from 0 to 4.
  2. While Loops: These execute a block of code as long as a condition remains true. An example counts from 0 to 4 using a while loop.

Conditional Statements:

  1. If Statements: These execute a block of code only if a certain condition is met. An example checks if age is greater than or equal to 18.
  2. If-else Statements: These execute one block of code if a condition is met and another block if the condition is not met. An example distinguishes between whether age is greater than or equal to 18 or not.

Hands-On Exercises: The chapter offers practical exercises to implement for loops, while loops, if statements, and if-else statements. Each exercise involves writing Python code in Google Colab to print numbers, check even/odd numbers, and guess a secret word within a limited number of attempts.

Indentation and Comments: The importance of indentation in Python, indicating code blocks, is highlighted. Proper indentation is crucial to avoid errors. Additionally, comments are explained as annotations in code to explain its functionality.

Combining Concepts: Finally, a comprehensive exercise combining loops, conditional statements, and user input is provided. This exercise challenges users to guess a secret word within a limited number of attempts, showcasing the integration of loops, conditions, and user interaction in a program.

Overall, the chapter serves as a practical guide for understanding and implementing loops, conditional statements, and their applications in Python programming for various scenarios.


3 Tools to Track and Visualize the Execution of your Python Code | by  Khuyen Tran | Towards Data Science


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